Blog Post 4- Broadway
Honestly, broadway shows and other live performances like opera and plays are not my favorite thing in the world. But like all art, I can find an appreciation for it as people express themselves in whatever from they feel most confident in. Angel's Stage Door blog had many shows displayed but thew few that stood out to me were Take Me to Saint Louis, Mary Poppins and Fifty Percent. These three stood out to me as they each had things that I found very interesting. Mary Poppins and the Take Me To Saint Louis were perhaps my favorite as the two were enjoyable and both offered a look at the past. One shows England and the other, America. These are both foreign places to me so it was interesting to see how they portrayed their history. Fifty Percent was very shocking to me, the tone that the performer uses is very unusual compared to other typical songs. However, it was not unpleasant at all, I would say it was oddly soothing to my surprise.

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