Blog Post 2- Raul Cuero

This was a very interesting video to watch, I really admired Raul's determination throughout his life. I think that there is a lot in common between our world views. I liked that he found things to spark his creativity with the very bare minimum of resources available. It's clear that all he has achieved is through his own determination. he didn't wait around for someone to hand him the answers he needed in life, he went out and created his own. Even though this man is in the field of science, his methodology can be applied in all aspects of life. One really important point he made was about his approach to things and life in general. What I understood from him is that superficial and otherwise unimportant events cannot be allowed to cloud your vision of the life you want for yourself. Failure is part of the path to success and the outcome should not be the sole focus of a task. The way that you solved or overcame an obstacle is what should be valued because without those steps or mistakes, you would not have arrived wherever you are today.


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